Currently browsing: Volunteering internationally

Student Essays Reflect Realities and Impact of Global Health

At CUGH’s Annual Meeting last week in Washington, DC educators and students from over 60 countries met to discuss the global health landscape. Perhaps one of the most powerful and emotional sessions was one that captured power of reflection in global health education. Eight trainees from undergraduate to post-graduate levels read personal reflections on global health education experiences that affected them.


International Women’s Day- A Story From CFHI India

Evaleen Jones, MD is the founder of Child Family Health International (CFHI) and Clinical Faculty at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Today, on International Women’s Day we feature an experience from her recent visit to CFHI partner sites in India, and a story from a woman she met while here which carries the message of community empowerment that CFHI embodies.


CFHI & Northwestern University Students Impact Women’s Health in Mexico

FSM students go above and beyond the call of the program and support CFHI & Northwestern University School of Medicine Project training for parteras, or traditional midwives. Throughout the year students raise money to contribute towards a 5-day training for over 30 traditional midwives who attend over 40% of the births in the region.


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