Short term global health experiences and local partnership models: a framework

Lawrence C. Loh, William Cherniak, Bradley A. Dreifuss, Matthew M. Dacso, Henry C. Lin and Jessica Evert offer a framework to categorize different models of local engagement in short-term experiences in global health (STEGH) based on professional experiences and a review of the existing literature in this article published in Globalization and Health. This seminal text presents different models of partnership around short-term experiences in global health (STEGH) to add to discussions about the importance of using local partner engagement to minimize community harms and optimize potential outcomes of STEGH being conducting in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). The framework provided will allow STEPH-sending organizations to recognize their roles as visiting partners, evaluate their impact, and accomplish meaningful work in the communities they serve. Published in Globalization and Health.


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